Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sharing a few awards

I have received a few awards the last few weeks. Usually I just thank the blogger for the award but this time I thought I would pass them along.

The first one came from GrafixMuses's Garden Spot

The second one came from Reads Allotment Retreat

Out of the two I decided to participate in the Best Blog Award. Its instructions are to pass the award onto 15 blogs that you have recently discovered. I couldn't really come up with 15 recently discovered blogs so I went with a few kind of recently discovered.
Now for the details, the awardees can do one of the following: A) You can relish in the glory of being awarded without participating or B) You can chose one of the awards above and pass it along, you can the find the award instructions by clicking the award image.


  1. Thanks for the mention, I really appreciate it! I'll try and pass one along over the next few days!

  2. Thank you so very much and CONGRATS TO YOU! Your blog rocks and you deserve it!

  3. Thanks Dan for the shout out and recognition. I totally enjoy your blog and think your award was well earned.

  4. Congratulations. I too am an urban gardener, only in southern California. Stop by sometime to see my plot.

  5. Thank you, thank you. I'm in the relishing camp.

  6. Thanks Dan! I'll have some mustard with my relish ;)
