I realized tonight that I had not done an update on the grow room for the entire 2010 season. Starting tomorrow I am going to start placing many of the plants out in the poly tunnel during the day so soon there will be nothing left to post about. Almost everything under the light now are seedlings. All the over wintered plants have been either moved to the spare room, the poly tunnel or just outdoors. Nights have been pretty warm for the most part so they have not been affected. On nights near freezing I have been placing the plants in the shed over night. Here goes photos of most things growing:

Burgundy & purple impatiens. I grew these from pelleted seed and they have grown very well. There is about a flat worth of them growing.

Here are all the sweet & hot peppers. Again about a flat worth are growing. They are really starting to get large so I will start placing them out in the tunnel on warm days.

This is the second attempt at an early tomato after the first one died. It is coming along nicely and I am hopefully the later start will not make much of a difference. I think I may plant it out by the weekend and on cold nights just wrap it up.

These are a bunch of cutting I have taken for outdoor planters. Most of them are geraniums.

Here we have blue wave petunia's also grown from pelleted seed. I wish I started them at the same time as the impatiens because they are growing slowly. There is still about a month to go before I plant them outdoors so hopefully they will catch up.

Dahlberg seedlings. Never grown these before, they have a yellow daisy like flower and will be planted with the petunias. Going for a blue, purple, yellow combination in the pots this year.

Snapdragons from
Granny. Never grown these before either. They are a mix of colours and will be planted in the front perennial garden. They badly need thinning which I will do soon.

Basil growing along side many other herbs. Funny thing is I always grow herbs but rarely use them. Maybe this year will be the year.

Here are all my tomatoes that I started not to long ago. I forgot to take the doom off soon enough so they are all a little stretch. There are about 50 growing, half for me and half for my sister. I am hoping with the later start they will not need potting up at all. They also need thinning.

This the the biggest of the two brugmansia sanguinea I started from seed back in January. I am hoping for blossoms in the first year!

Similar to the plant above, here we have a bunch of double yellow datura. They will be grown in outdoor planters.

Last but not least here are all the melons, cucumbers, winter squash and summer squash that I sowed on the 26th. I am sprouting them indoors and then they will be out in the tunnel during the day until planting. I also started all the beans in rootainers on the same day, no picture of them but they are on top of the fridge sprouting.