Seeing that updating the garden plant variety by plant variety is taking so long I am grouping the Cucumbers, Squash & Zucchini together by plant family. I will start with the cucumbers:

Here is an overview of the cucumber trellis. Half of the vines are over two feet high and are full of blooms and the beginnings of cucumbers.

The other half are just about a foot high because I lost a few plants that I started early and had to direct seed them at planting time. They are really starting to catch up now so I imagine they will be just as large as the others in a week or two.

This is the largest cucumber and will be harvested soon.

This is what most of the cucumbers look like. It won't be long until I have cucumbers to harvest everyday!

Here is an overview of the squash trellis. To the right are Delicata squash (seed is from
Skippy's Vegetable Garden) and Red Kuri Squash to the left.

Red Kuri bloom as a honey bee runway.

This is the first Red Kuri Squash that is setting.

Here is a close up of the Delicata plants. I started three early and lost two of them before planting. Like the cucumbers I had to direct sown the lost ones so I have two short and one long plant. I hope they catch up fast.

This is the first Delicata Squash setting.

The last Squash I am growing this season is the Cocozelle Squash above. It is an Italian zucchini as far as I can tell. It was said to be compact but it sure seems to be taking over. I will have to prune it on the right side to keep it from smuther my carrots!

Here is one of the two squash that is currently setting. I hand pollinated this one yesterday to make sure it matures.
All that is left to update now is the Brassica's & Root Vegetables.