Here goes part II of the fall crops update and there will be two more to come! On this post I decided to focus on fall crops that are in the ground without protection.

I'll start with the fall broccoli. It has done pretty well this year compared to last years crop. I have picked a smallish head from each of the 8 plants and they are continued to produce side shoots as well. These were seeded in cell packs June 1st and planted in the soil after the spring crop was harvested, about July 1st.

Fall Leeks, I seeded these in a pot June 1st and planted them in trenches in the middle of July. They have grown alright but I think they need a full season to develop properly. Leeks are pretty hardy so I am going to cover them with a cheap poly tunnel and hope they overwinter.

Merlot lettuce, seeded Aug 1st and planted out Sept 1st. They are getting to a good size now so I can begin harvesting baby greens, yum!

Easter Egg Radishes, seeded in the soil Aug 1st. I have a few rows a radish growing and they are coming into their prime just as the lettuce is, couldn't be better timing. Y'all be seeing these on Harvest Monday!

Fennel, Seeded Aug 1st. There is three clumps of these in the garden. They are starting to develop small bulbs. I think these will be harvested soon, definitely before we have a hard frost. Never tried fennel before, any cooking ideas?????

Parsnips, I think I direct seeded these some time in July. To late it seems as they are not grow much underground. Not sure if I will harvest these as baby parsnips in Dec or try to overwinter them and harvest in the spring.

Beets I have growing behind the poly tunnel. They are ready for harvest anytime now, I think I will leave them in the ground as long as possible though.

Brussels Sprouts, I seeded these on the same schedule as the fall broccoli, seeded June 1st and planted out July 1st. They have not done nearly as well and it looks like they will be a bust. Next year I will plant them in the spring so they have a full growing season.

Australian Yellowleaf Lettuce, Seeded Aug 1st and planted out Sept 1st. I have a row of them growing and they will be harvested soon.

Batavian Full Heart, Not sure what to expect from them but they are supposed to be very hardy and produce a big frilly headed green. I believe it is a bitter green. They seem to be growing pretty slowly.

'Little Gem' Romaine. These were grown from a free pack of seeds from
Baker Creek Seeds. Like all the other greens they were seeded Aug 1st and planted out Sept 1st. I hope they get growing, I love romaine.

Lastly here is a shot of the 'Atomic Red' Carrots that I seeded way back in May. They have grown very poorly but are putting on some roots now. I will harvest them soon.

To end things off here is a photo of the Norway Maples out back. Full fall colour has arrived in my neck of the woods it would appear. I can hardly wait to rake them all up!