Lets start with the onions shall we. It has been a week since I seeded onions so timing is perfect to do an update on their progress. I have some winners and losers that's for sure. The first seedling popped up within 3 days and the bulk of them came up between day 5-6. You may recall that 3/4 of my seed was from last year and thus germination on some has been pretty poor.

Here are the Red Long of Tropea onions that Daphne sent. They are germinating the best of all of them and are seed from last season. I planted 9 cells of them with hopes of two onions per cell and it looks like I will have many more then I hoped for.

The one with the worst germination is the Armador shallots from last years seed. I seeded 18 cells, 5 seeds per cell and only have two seedlings. They are definitely a crop failure and will not be grown this year.

Here are the Prince onions, also from last years seed. They have fairly good germination at this point, I would say 60%. I suspect within a few days more will germinate bring them to the crop levels I am looking for.

These are the Amish Bottle onions and these are from fresh seed. They are germinating quite spotty but it is still a little early to rule out further germination. I am rooting for these as they sound very interesting.
With the failure of the shallot crop I will need some replacements. I was sent a bunch of seeds to review from a US seed house that included some Spanish onions. I think I will replace the shallots with them and probably start another cell pack of the Amish Bottle onions. I am also playing with the idea of planting shallot sets in another part of the garden if I can find some for a good price. Shallots are nice to have around when you only need a little bit of onion and they are nice and sweet once cooked.

Now for the early tomato. I was getting a little impatient with these but in the end every seed I sowed germinated. These are Siletz tomatoes and will hopefully bring an early crop of tom's to the garden. I think I will go for 3 early tomatoes this year, one seeded on Jan 21 and a couple seeded near the end of Feb. The rest of the tomatoes I am going to hold off starting until 6 weeks before outdoor transplant. Tomatoes just grow to big to have to many kicking around.