1 day ago
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Mondays Harvest Post
Here goes the first harvest post of fall and boy was it a fall day, cool, windy & rainy all day long. If you would like to see more harvest post check out Daphne's page for the full list.

Sept 25th harvest: I harvested all the broccoli heads that were ready. There is a few tiny heads left that I am hoping will grow into more large heads in a few weeks. I am also still picked a few tomatoes even with all the blight problems this season. In the basket is a bunch of Jersey Devil paste tomatoes & a Hillbilly Potato Loaf tomato. The photo just above shows how large the jersey devils grow, pretty fat paste toms for sure!

Sept 28 harvest: The first thing I harvested today was all the Jimmy Nardello Peppers, they are a sweet Italian frying pepper that I will make salsa with. There also was a few more Jersey Devil tomatoes ready and the first Sungold cherry of the season.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Late Crop Round Up!
*It is now fall, Tuesday Sept 22 at 7:18pm*
After having such a pitiful harvest last week I though I should go out and asses my crop situation. Being that I am a veggie garden blogger of course I will take y'all for the outing. Lets start with Granny's Purple Peppers shall we:

Monday, September 21, 2009
Mondays Harvest
There are a few things left in the garden that will be a bulky harvest but I am afraid this is how this will be looking for a while. The garden is definitely in a lull between summer and falls crops now. I'm not complaining though as I have lots of things that need attention and it is nice to have a bit of a reprieve from garden chores.
If you would like to share your harvests of the week, pop over to Daphne's page and share your link!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Finally some gardening!
I woke up at the crack of 8:30 and my first thought was I need to get my veggie garden work done already. I've been putting off thinning the fall crops and planting my fall starts due to paint work & overall defeat from the blight. So I finally had time, energy & a victorious fall planting attitude to get things done! But first.......
morning coffee in the garden. Fresh ground strong coffee with two cream & three sugar, breakfast of champions.
The first garden task that was tackled was thinning the parsnips. They looked so nice before ripping half of them out but it will help them in the long run. Not sure how these will do this fall, maybe they will be an early spring harvest?
The second thing to thin was the four radish rows I seeded on Aug 1st. This particular row is Easter Egg. I am also growing Long Black Spanish and China Rose radishes this fall.
I then planted out the rest of the cedar poly tunnel. I have already planted red celery, black & china rose radishes & transplanted green onions into the tunnel. This morning I planted out the rest of the tunnel with Wong Bok(napa cabbage), Sugarloaf Chicory & Mizuna that were all growing in cell packs for about 1.5 months now. Being that the squirrels have been little bastards lately(pardon my french) I think I am going to put the cover on to protect my little seedlings.
After planting the poly tunnel I quickly realized I started about double the amount of plant material that will fit in the poly tunnel so I planted some lettuce in this enamel pot. It is planted out with 'Merlot' lettuce & 'Little Gem' romaine. It will be placed on the a/c unit, not much need for that this season, as it receives good light. Now on cold evenings I can just pop them in the shed.
Here I have planted a row of 'Little Gem' Romaine & Full Heart Batavian. This raised bed is full of fall crops and if they grow well I may put an inexpensive low tunnel over this raised bed to extend the harvest.
The last thing to be planted today was a row of Australian Yellowleaf lettuce. I still have bok choi & tatsoi (from Daphne ) growing in cell packs. My plans for them is to plant them in the half barrel that the 'Jersey Devil' tomatoes are currently growing in. They are just starting to turn colour so they should be able to take their place soon.
I will end the post with this bumble bee that was sunning her? self this morning on my banana plants. It was a chilly night, 6c(43f), I image it was enjoying the warmth after such a cool night.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Garden Blogger Bloom Day
Here goes GBBD for September. Although summer is still here for a few more days it is really starting to look like fall in the garden. Many things are starting to look a little worse for wear and the nights are getting quite cool. Lets start with the now fall planters shall we:
Here is the fall plantings in the front urns. They are a mix of purple asters, purple icicle pansies and yellow cornflowers. Just planted these a few days ago, you know fall is almost here when the mums and asters are at the garden center. You may also notice the freshly painted deck & railing in the background.
Here is the fall plantings in the window box. It is just planted out with four purplish mums.
This is a cement planter in the back shade garden. I planted it with impatiens this past spring and they are still doing very well.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday's Harvest Post
You may have noticed my blog have not been getting much attention lately and this is because I am still painting. I am almost finished all my projects and have completed the posts & railings, door painting and almost finished painting the deck. All that is left is to prime and paint the concrete landing at the front of the house. I hope to be finished by the end of the week so I can devote more attention to the garden and the blog.
I have still been keeping up with harvesting although harvests seem to be few and far between lately. Blight has done in almost all the tomatoes which is what mainly would have been harvested at this time of year. still need to update on the blight..... Here are photos of most things that have been harvested over the last two week's. I missed last weeks Monday's Harvest post that Daphne host so I thought I would group them together on this post.
Here is a mix of tomatoes that I rescued from blight. Most rotted from blight anyways.
Here we have the one and only hillbilly potato loaf (yellow/red one), two cherokee purple and a few velvet red tomatoes. In the back is the first red kuri squash of the season, small but will be great in a squash bread or muffin recipe.
Here is my potato bin harvest that was already blogged about on my last post.
Finally here is today's harvest. Two zucchini that will be grated and frozen for later baking as well as a pink berkley tie dye and four velvet red tomatoes. This tomato harvest may be the last of them by the looks of it. The rest are all rotten.
I have still been keeping up with harvesting although harvests seem to be few and far between lately. Blight has done in almost all the tomatoes which is what mainly would have been harvested at this time of year. still need to update on the blight..... Here are photos of most things that have been harvested over the last two week's. I missed last weeks Monday's Harvest post that Daphne host so I thought I would group them together on this post.

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