Here goes an overall update on the veggie garden. I will start with the peas. They have just started to grow fast after planting transplants on April 27th.

These are the sugar snaps growing in a terracotta pot. They are growing a
little slower then I want but at least they have started to do something.
Once the heat does these in in July I will be planting a white cucumber in this
pot. The variety will be 'Pearl Hybrid' and has a days to harvest of 57 days.

Here are the 'Green Arrow' shell peas, they are starting to do
very well. As you can see they are just starting to flower.

This is the broccoli, kohlrabi & romanesco broccoli bed. It is also
interplanted with onions sets and a row of radishes that are now
ready to harvest. The trellis behind them will be planted with
squash very soon. Looks like I need to start planting the second
crop of broccoli.

Here is a fuzzy photo showing the broccoli are 20" high. I
am guessing they will be harvested in 3-4 weeks now.

The kohlrabi are about the size of a gum ball. I can't wait to try these.

Here is an overview of the broad beans, bok choi & romaine. You maybe be
wondering what all the yellow flower are? Well those are all the bok choi
that have bolted. They were perfect baby size but I held off harvesting for a
few days and every one bolted. I hope for better luck with them this fall.
They will be composted and replaced with cranberry beans tomorrow.

Here are the beauties of the patch, crimson flower broad beans. The flowers
smell amazing and on humid days they perfume the whole area. These are
keepers for sure!

The romaine is going gangbusters. I have 16 heads like
this and they badly need to be thinned to 8 heads. We need
to get eating!

This bed is multi planted onions with beets, carrots & lettuce planted
in between. The trellis behind them will have cucumbers very soon.
The carrots and beets are not growing very fast. I think this is from the
dry spell we have been having, This evenings rain is much needed.

Here is the spring greens & radish bed. Most of it has now been harvest only leave a
little lettuce to go. Once the lettuce is gone I will plant the remaining 5 tomatoes here
and do a post about all of tomatoes in the garden. To the end of the bed is garlic and
along the front is onion sets.

Even thought I will soon do a post on all the tomatoes, I had to
share of photo of mister early. He has loads of flower buds out and....

one big fruit, it won't be long now. I can taste the BLT already, yum!

I will end with what I am calling my bird poop strawberries. I noticed a small
strawberry plant growing in one of the perennial gardens last summer. This
spring it grew into one large plant with two off shoots so I planted them up
in this window box I had in the shed. I did not plant them so they must have came
from the birds, thanks for the free plants birdies!