Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May's Progress Photo's


Romaine (First Planting)/French Radish (First Planting)


Celery, Broccoli , brussel sprouts, Cabbage


  1. Its growing Woooo Hooooo! I want some when they are ready lol :)

  2. Oh, that looks so fun! I want to do something like this on my patio deck where I get a lot of sun, but am not sure if I'm too late this year or not. Best get moving if I'm going to try, I suppose but I'll be very interested in watching your progress.

  3. Jackie - Thanks for contributing to my blog. I have just start to read "Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew and it is about gardening in small plots. It is a very interesting book, it turns traditional row gardening on its head. Maybe the book can help with your project.

    Michelle - I will defiantly give you some produce as well as your tomato transplants.
