The last week or so I am been trying to get the yard cleaned up before the dreaded white stuff arrives. The day length really becomes evident when you are trying to get things done, many of the tasks have been done well chasing the sun down. There is lots of photos today so I will try to keep the gab to a minimum:

I have rounded up all the pots that were in the patch, seems like alot when grouped together. They will be cleaned out tomorrow hopefully and stored in the shed. I also need to get my cement pots cleaned and stored as well so they don't crack.

I transplanted a bunch of stuff into the half barrel, they include thyme, parsley, sage, oregano and four full heart batavian.

After planting, the barrel got its signature ET look which should keep things growing over the winter. Herbs in February anyone? I have held the plastic in place with a ratchet strap from the truck well leaving a section unstrapped for access. The access flap is then held down with a binder clip.

Thought I would share a photo of the parsley roots well transplanting them. These are hamburg parsley that grow an edible root as well as foliage. It is said to be similar to celeriac roots, I will eat them up early next spring and comment on the taste.

There was some mini romaine growing out in the open that needed a little more growing time so I transplanted them into the cedar poly tunnel. I hope to harvest these soon, a new years salad would be nice!

I wrecked my mower today. I was mowing up leaves and found a big rock that was just below the lawn. The blade is bent really bad so it will have to be replaced. I may replace the whole mower as this one never likes to start. Something that drives itself would be nice...... I can always dream. So after that incident:

I had to start collecting leaves in ol'wheely. The leaves are all collected now and................

they nicely filled the leaf composter again. Now I will let the rain and worms do their work.

I have been thinking my late planted parsnips were not going to amount to much because their foliage volume was so low. Today I got my finger in there and it would appear there are some pretty nice sized roots growing. I will be harvesting them just before the ground freezes solid.

The wee tatsoi has started to grow with the new cover. I hope to harvest a nice large head in time to plant more next spring.

I have also cleared everything from the garden that is either not alive or is not going to make it. I am all out of composter room so I have started to store material in this garbage can. I need another composter next spring!

All the perennials have been stored in the new poly tunnel for over wintering. This is what happens when the garden center clears things out in August.

And finally...... here is a photo of the garden mostly cleared out. The only things left that are not under cover are radishes, broccoli & lettuces. Everything will soon be harvested and the garden will be empty asides from the season extenders. I need to get that hose reel in the house too... my list is still growing.
I love your tunnels. I'm incredibly jealous. Maybe next year for me...or did I want to try your seed saving....Thank goodness gardening seems to be a life long hobby.
ReplyDeleteI hope your plants overwinter well. I cleaned out all my lettuce on Monday. And Friday will clear all the rest out that isn't over wintering. I think starting this weekend we will have a big freeze and it may well freeze the ground permanently for the winter. It will be sad to put the garden to bed.
ReplyDeleteDan - that is an interesting wheelbarrow you've got there. Never seen one that had 2 wheels on it!
ReplyDeleteWow Dan, it looks like you've been busy (including your jams and jelly making). And it's nice to get a wide shot of your urban garden! Your coldframes look great.
ReplyDeleteVery busy in the garden indeed. Hope the parsnip amounts to something, speaking of which I made the yummiest parsnip gnocchi on the weekend! Keep up the good work before the freeziness comes (and we'll do as much work for the opposite weather on this side of the world)
ReplyDeleteNice clean-up ! I'm glad mine is all over and done with. =D
ReplyDeleteBummer about the mower blade.
My wheelbarrow will be expiring soon. I've been considering a double-wheeler as a replacement. How are you liking yours ?
Ribbit - Yes, good thing there is always next year.
ReplyDeleteDaphne - I'm not sure when we will freeze but it must be soon. Next week we are supposed to have highs just above freezing and nights as low as 18f so it is not far off. All depends how much the sun comes out I guess.
EG - I got this one on sale 6 years ago, it can handle alot of weight.
Thomas - I have been busy but all the canning was done this past spring & summer. I am so behind with posting I am posting things from 5 months ago.
Prue - I am in the mad dash mode before the weather turns, something I seem to put off every year. I hope to be finished by the end of the weekend.
Miss M - I love my dually! I picked it up on sale at canadian tire 6 years ago, they cost many more dollars now then back then though. Our side laneway and side yard are on a slope and the added stability really helps. Not to say you can't dump it, which I have, but it is extremely less likely. Really comes in handy when I am moving yards and yards of earth as well.
I've grown hamburg parsley before and really enjoyed it. This year I ordered the seed again!
ReplyDeleteThe garden area looks "neat and tidy" and ready for the big chill to arrive. Your barrel cloche is really ingenious in that you leave the easy access opening but have a more secure tie down on the bulk of the plastic sheeting.
ReplyDeleteMy garden center would love you with all the August sale purchases! :D
This time of year is bitter sweet for me in the garden as the snow will soon mean rest for the arms but also a lowered amount of fresh food. Of course, there seems to be lots that's green still going on in your garden.
ReplyDeleteSo want to make bets on who gets snow cover first? Bet I'll win ;)
Veg Heaven - I can't wait to try them but wanted parsley over the winter, I will have to wait.... Thanks for the feedback on the taste
ReplyDeleteKitsapFG - The straps do work really well. I keep forgetting to get a ratchet strap for this purpose. The truck ones are really large and a bit of over kill.
Ottawa Gardener - I am ready for a garden break, maybe once it snows I can starting getting to everything else that needs attention. I'm not use who will get snow cover first, looks like lots of snow flakes in next weeks forecast.