Sunday, July 19, 2009


Siletz (Mister Early), First clutch

Siletz (Mister Early), Second clutch

Cherokee Purple

I am one happy gardener and will keep my fingers crossed that the tomato thief does not return!


  1. Lovely. I wish I had that Cherokee Purple.

  2. Wow, I'm so envious ! Nice !
    It's good to see red for a change, eh ?

  3. Oh how I've been waiting for this post, and well anyone's post on tomatoes. It's midwinter here, even though judging by your weather chat we are having a very similar top (18 here, but cooler nights, and this is an unusually warm winter's day). Best of luck keeping them safe.

  4. I say you need a surveillance camera and a shot gun. Booby traps can't hurt either. Flood lights, sirens, bear traps all the good stuff.

  5. Fingers crossed too! Skeeter is doing a post on her tomatoes tomorrow.

  6. Excellent! Those tomatoes have reached the "breaker" stage which means there is no stopping them from going ripe now! Well, a thief in the night could put the brakes on them. Hopefully that will not be a repeat performance for you.

    Good work and savor the first couple for all of us who are still waiting for the big tomato rush to get underway for 2009.

  7. Hi Dan, Thanks for the trellis info. The shipping from Lee Valley is a bit steep so I think a road trip is warranted instead. :-) //Do you know who/what is stealing your tomatoes? They're looking good.

  8. Dan your gardening is amazing and those tomatoes look great.

  9. I attach about a foot of bird netting at the base of all my tomato plants that are fruiting within 6 inches of the ground.

    I've lost just about ALL of my tomatoes from late june that way till I figured out my birdnetting was still useful.


    I know you follow EG, have you heard from him at all? Been almost 3 weeks since his last post.

  10. Awesome! I just started getting a little fruit, I think on one of my Cherokee purples, too. But not as far along as yours.

  11. Thanks for reading everyone.

    Melissa - I think my tomato thief is either a raccoon or skunk.

    Waters deep - The last I have heard about EG is he had some personal problems and will be away from blogging for a while. I sure miss his posts too!

  12. What, who! where? I'm in New England and I only wish my tomatoes looks as well as yours, mine are so small, to much rain, not enough sun. Hope your thief moves on, mine like my composter WAAAAY to much!
