There is some death happening in the garden lately so I thought it would be fitting to play along with Garden Bloggers Death Day that was started by Gardening Without Skills. Not to long ago I thought my garden may make it through this cool damp summer no problem, that is not the case now. Lets start with the urns shall we:
On the left is the urns on July 15th and on the right is their current state. It has root rot and is now full of green aphids and white fly. I'm not sure I am going to do with them yet. Maybe I will ripe them out and replace them with something else growing around the yard.
The Chocolate Stripes Tomato growing in one of the topsy turvy's had half the plant wilt and now has some kind of bug making fluffy nests. I hope the remaining branch survives. And they said topsy's solve all disease and bug problems :-)
The zucchini also keep rotting. I have been pollinating them but they just don't seem to want to set yet.
Lastly our neighbor had some "idiot" do some yard work for them. He mistakened our garden for theirs and waked the crap out of it. The Ligularia was looking truly amazing and now half the blooms have been looped off, the other Ligularia has had most of its lower leaves removed and now looks lollipopped and my Dicentra has been completely removed. But most of the weeds have been left undisturbed! No pictures, I am trying to avoid looking at it....
4 days ago