Sunday, November 16, 2008

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day... Late

Today I am posting garden bloggers bloom day which is one day late. It is supposed to be done on the 15th of each month and is hosted by May Dreams Garden .

Early next week I will do a veggie garden update and I will follow with my cold frame plans by the middle of next week. I am very late getting the cold frame done, it should have been started the first week of October. See a pattern here, I'm not good at doing things in a timely manner!

Being in zone 5, during November, there is really not much to find that is in bloom. I did manage to come across a few blooms as well as some blooms that have gone to seed. I think the seed heads are just as nice in some cases as the flower itself. I will also include a few foliage shots.

Canada Day Rose - I just moved this in Sept and it has
produced a lone tiny bloom that is about 2".

Cimicifuga Racemosa - this is the green leaved one. The plant never seems to bloom
before the frost hits it. This year it bloomed half way up the stem before
the frost hit it which has been the most it has ever bloomed.

Sedum - Yes that is ice pellets on the blooms

Bacopa - this is in the cement urns in the back. As you
can tell it is on its last life.

Pee Gee Hydrangea

Polygonum affine - This plant genius was talk
about on Sally's - My Dirt Blog

Hakone - I love this grass and it grows in the shade too.

Azalea fall color and bud


  1. It all looks so good. You are an excellent photographer. I really like the hakone. I don't have any and have been on the lookout. It is elusive, just like the witch hazels. When I initially bought the witch hazels, I looked on line for a local source. This is a great method. Try it out and I am going to find a source for the hakone online too. I know right where it is going even:)

  2. I think that might be just the thing to do to find a witch hazel.

    Hakone's are great grasses, I wish I had more but they cost entirely to much. I will have to just wait for it to spread.

  3. I was not sure you would have any color left for the month but you sure do have some pretties! Will be looking for that cold frame...

  4. Great photos as usual...they remind us that the changing foliage prolongs the beauty. How many of these are native? They seem to be holding up well in your sub-freezing night temps.
    Thanks for the link to my blog.

  5. skeeter - Yes, there is still some color. To bad it is mostly brown.

    I have the top, front & back of the cold frame done. All I have left is the two sides. I need to get moving!

    Sally - Good question about native plants, this is a subject that I must admit I know very little about. To the best of my knowledge the only native plant in the group is the Cimicifuga. They are all hardy perennials though except for the bacopa, it is an annual.

  6. You still have some lovely blooms in your garden. Wonderful photos, and I bet it's very cold right now in Canada!

  7. I just love that Canada Day Rose, Dan.
