time trying these and the plants are still quite small.
Merlot, Black Seeded Simpson & Buttercrunch.
Mixed Greens, Pac Choi ( red & a bolt resistant variety) & Tatsoi
a good thinning after my heavy seeding.
are just coming into flower now. I am growing these as a seed
crop so if you want some let me know.
were used to get my compost cooking again. All this material went
back in the bin in layers. Next time I cut the lawn I need to do the
same thing for my leaf composter.
and two hanging baskets out front. This particular plant came from
the Variety Store just down the road, cheap and healthy.
There are still many things to plant. This week I have to plant all the potatoes and onions, they should have already been planted. I still need to get all the warm season crops in too, I will probably plant all them this weekend, it is suppose to be a hot one.