1 day ago
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fall Crops Part One
The past few days have brought some fall planting, in between the heat & rain. This is the perfect time to get longer days to harvest crops in for a late harvest. Below are what has gone is so far:

I planted the broccoli that I started in cell packs mid June. They were planted within a row cover tunnel, the supports are just coat hangers. The tunnel will shade them a bit from the hot sun and keep the bugs out. Once they get larger I will remove the cover, probably in a month.
In place of the garlic I planted a bunch of carrots. I used Granny's seed mat idea again, it worked really well this spring. I planted out every kind of carrot I had, purple, yellow, orange & mini orange. Hopefully they will provide a nice harvest some time in November.
Here is a double row of Parsnips. I tried parsnips as a late crop last year and they produced a nice bunch of roots by early December. Hopefully they will this year as well. I also have a double row of parsnips I planted this spring.
With the snow peas finished I planted up the empty pot with soybeans. They require 80 days to harvest them green so there should be just enough time. Lets hope for a warm September.
In other fall news, I've done a fall swap with Thomas and his seeds arrived the other day. Lots of goodies, Claytonia, Shanghai Bok Choy, Chinese Celery & Winter Density Lettuce. Time to get planting!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Harvest Monday
This weeks harvest monday has a bit more variety, I like that! I'll start with the new things first:
To my surprise some of the shelling bush beans are starting to dry already. These are 'Tiger's Eye' beans and this is just a drop in the hat of the harvest to come. Looks like a few Soldier beans (seed from Kath) will also be ready for harvest soon.
Here is all the garlic I harvested this year. Not much was planted last fall and I am kind of regretting it now. This variety came from the farmers market. It only produces 3-5 cloves but they are whoppers! I'd say double the size of an average clove. It is now time to place mail orders for garlic, I won't be neglecting to order this year.
A bit less pole beans came in this week. Last week I had a huge collander worth and this week just a few handfuls. The varieties in the basket are Purple Podded & Kentucky Blue.
Here are the last of the peas. I picked these off the vines before composting them. It was a bumper year for peas. Maybe I will try some this fall as well.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Garden Cleanup
It was a bit of a scorcher today at 34c (93f) in full sun. What better to do at 4pm then clean up the garden... really need to pick up common sense one of these days. I started by harvesting the last of the peas and pulling all the vines out.

Above are two kinds of snap peas, Cascadia & Opal Creek Golden. They were by far the best producers this year. Now that the crop has finished, I turned the bed and will be planting fall broccoli in this spot. Most likely with row cover because of all the heat we are having this summer.
This little pot was planted with Oregon Sugar snow peas. For being pot grown they produced quite a bit of snow peas. Next year I will have to allot some trellis space for them. This pot will now be planted with some soybean seeds I purchased in 2008. Given a warm September I should be able to harvest some young edamame.
Here are the Victorian Climbing shelling peas. One vine did manage to grow 8' high but they didn't fill out much. I think being against the brick with a southern exposure is way to hot for peas. This trellis is already planted with butternut squash which are just starting to take off.
I then moved onto picking the garlic. The harvest was way to small. The grouping above was planted early fall and developed well. The other group I planted late November, it grew but never developed properly. This year I definitely need to plant more garlic and at the proper time.
The last thing to do was pull all the bolted fennel. I did leave one red fennel in on the far left because I hear they produce very flavorful fennel seed. I will plant some more fennel in August for a fall harvest, hopefully it grows better. The garden frog wanted to get in the shot too, the froggy was shared by Ribbit.
In behind the fennel you will see some lovely 'Bright Lights' Chard, grown from seed shared by Daphne. It is in it's prime and now leaf-miner free. Must come up with some ideas for it. In front are a couple heads of buttercrunch lettuce, Surprisingly not bolting. I will pick them in the next few days as I am sure they will bolt soon.
That's all for today. My next post will be on the fall planting I have to do now that I have some free space.
In behind the fennel you will see some lovely 'Bright Lights' Chard, grown from seed shared by Daphne. It is in it's prime and now leaf-miner free. Must come up with some ideas for it. In front are a couple heads of buttercrunch lettuce, Surprisingly not bolting. I will pick them in the next few days as I am sure they will bolt soon.
That's all for today. My next post will be on the fall planting I have to do now that I have some free space.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Garden Happenings
Monday, July 12, 2010
Harvest Monday
During the past week, harvests have not changed much but the garden did provide a bit more bulk. Looks like most of the warm season crops are still a ways from harvesting but are looking well. All the heat & rain we are getting will hopefully speed things along. Starting to wish I gave my tomatoes more then a 6 week head start.... Below are photos of what was brought in during the past seven days, the only thing not pictured are some 'Waltham' broccoli side shoots.
This is the biggest snap bean harvest so far this season. The bulk of them are Kentucky Blue pole beans, they are a cross between Kentucky Wonder & Blue Lake. There also are a few Purple Podded pole beans, love the purple colour but they go green when cooked. On the other side there is a nice bunch of Dragon Tongue beans. They are by far my favorite bean. Looks like this will be a good bean year!
I also brought in some peas from the poor heat stressed vines. The peas have been great this year, I have been picking them for over 6 weeks now. There is some of everything in there, Cascadia snap's (from Laura), Oregon Sugar snow's (from Miss M), Victorian Climbing shell's (from Gary) & Opel Creek Golden snap's.
I figured this would be the last of the peas but it looks like they are still putting out flowers, particularly the Cascadia snap's. The crops that will fallow the peas are still a ways from planting so I am going to leave them all in.
Be sure to check out Daphne's page were you can share your harvests and check out what everyone else is harvesting.
I figured this would be the last of the peas but it looks like they are still putting out flowers, particularly the Cascadia snap's. The crops that will fallow the peas are still a ways from planting so I am going to leave them all in.
Be sure to check out Daphne's page were you can share your harvests and check out what everyone else is harvesting.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Heat In The Garden
I have been watering the garden ever evening. It has a full southern exposure and being against the foundation things really dry out fast in this weather. With the water most things are not complaining and in fact growing gangbusters.
Tonight I have a bit of work to do in the garden which I will hold off doing until near dusk. The tomatoes need the suckers removed & tying, many other things need tying up as well, like peppers, cucumbers & melons. There also are peas, broccoli & beans to pick.
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