Our cool weather has definitely departed now, the last few weeks have been hot and the last couple days have been scorchers. Above is a thermometer shot I took today in the deep shade under the big Maples out back, 36c (97f). Our day time high today was 38c(100f) and close to 46c (115f) with the humidex (heat index) factored in. Now for the task at hand, catching up on what I have harvested lately:

Here are the first cucumbers, Adams Gherkin F1. These
are a parthenocarpic variety that produce cucumbers
without pollination. They are producing very well now

I pulled all the garlic today. Timing their harvest is pretty critical.
They are ready for harvest when the bottom leaves die back leaving
about 5 green leaves on the top. If they are left past this the wrapper
will start deteriorate and the bulbs will not keep.

Here is another first of the season, Dragon Tongue beans.
These are great beans because they keep a nice texture when
cooked. I am still waiting on my Blue Lake Pole beans.

This is the last of the peas because they have all gone crispy
from the heat. I didn't get many pea photos on the blog
this season but they did do well during our cool damp spring.
I am always impressed by your photos. This post is no exception...just beautiful.Lucky you to have a great pea time. Ours began producing just as the weather began heating up. So they turned pretty bitter.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures, Dan. I love the little gerkins, maybe I'll try some next year!
ReplyDeleteYour garden is heating up right along with the temperature! :D
ReplyDeleteThose gherkins look really good. I have flowers on my cukes but that is all at the moment. We have been so cool that I am just now getting ready to do my big pea patch harvest this coming weekend. Three weeks past my usual time to do it.
That garlic is beautiful. I'm always a little early or late -- maybe with your tips I'll get it right! Nice little gherkins.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to remember the advice about pulling garlic when we have some that actually managed to grow - maybe next year!
ReplyDeleteI'm growing Dragon Tongue beans this year for the first time. Yours look great. Mine aren't ready yet - still only about 10 inches tall.
ReplyDeleteHey Dan, it's nice to see a post from you! Your garlic looks great and so do your cucumbers! I'll be having some late cucumbers this year as I planted them much later in the season.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful garlic. I hear you on the heat. Usually it doesn't get up here that much, but I was outside this morning and was chased in at 7:30am dripping with sweat. Last night's low as only 79.3F (27C). That is awfully close to our normal average high for this time of year.
ReplyDeleteYou always seem to get an early harvest with Dragon's Tongue. I grew gherkins for the first time last year - a really good crop.
ReplyDeleteNice pictures. I have never tried growing Dragon Tongue beans they look wonderful.I saw on the news last night that a lot of places in ontario were breaking their heat records..crazy Canadian summer this year!
ReplyDeletePoor you, with all that heat! There was me thinking that Canada was covered in snow most of the time!
ReplyDeleteThose Dragon Tongue beans are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog! The information is very helpful and the photos are amazing. I live in the city, as well, and I'm hoping to start a small vegetable garden as soon as I get some outdoor space.
ReplyDeleteThe best bush bean in the world. We grew those this year and I will only grow this one every summer. They are tender even when they are 8 inches long! No strings and we have been picking them since june. They still are producing. The pretty color makes it easier to see:-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info re when to pull garlic....didn't know that!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos as always. Your harvest is pretty awesome.
Haven't made pickles in years and years but you sure have inspired me to try again. Sounds like a great bread and butter pickle recipe.